Woman writing on a block at her desk at JS World Media


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Video marketing

Make marketing magic with AI video

As you already know, videos are a must on social media because of their ability to engage your audience (if you want to know more about video marketing, read along here). But it takes time to produce videos, and it seems easier to just not do it. Luckily, the rapid technological development has given us […]

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Content marketing

Why your business should be active on social media

In this blog post, you will explore why it’s important to be on social media from a business perspective. Many have said it before us, “social media is a powerful marketing tool in today’s digital age.” There’s a reason for this. It comes with many benefits, when you understand the power of it and how […]

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Video marketing

6 easy but effective video editing tips for beginners – taking your videos from bland to brilliant

In this blog post, you will explore simple yet powerful video editing techniques tailored for beginners. From seamless transitions to captivating narratives, you will discover the art of transforming ordinary videos into extraordinary stories. Are you ready to say goodbye to the bland and hello to easy but brilliant video editing techniques? Let’s go! 1️. […]

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Creative examples of ways to repurpose content.
Content marketing

20 creative content repurposing techniques for maximum impact

No need to reinvent the wheel. You can transform your content into new formats, settings, channels, shapes and sizes to make the most of your time and resources. But where do you start? Take a look at these 20 creative techniques that can help you reshape your existing content into something fresh and exciting while […]

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Three iPads showing great examples of how to use interactive brochures for recruitment content.
Content marketing

Boost your hiring success with recruitment content that stands out

In today’s competitive job market, it’s crucial to stand out from the crowd and effectively communicate your company’s values, culture and opportunities when looking to attract top talents. You basically need to deliver your message razor-sharp but still include the distinctions that makes your company the best place to work. Tough job! So how do […]

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Icons showing different examples of interactive marketing strategies.
Content marketing

5 strategies for memorable interactive marketing content

How do you stand out from the crowd when basically everyone is fighting for your target group’s attention? You turn on the stove to fire up your interactive marketing activities. Let’s dig into these 5 interactive marketing initiatives to boost engagement. 1. Make the user experience personal Take your website – or just a single […]

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A computer and an iPhone showing examples of digital advertising methods.

Quick-guide: 7 digital advertising methods to consider adding to your marketing strategy

“The future is digital!”. Ever heard that one? We would like to challenge that. The future is here. If digital and online marketing methods are still only a small part of your marketing strategy, you are lacking – or will lack – behind your competitors. But where to start? Have a look at digital advertising […]

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Get tips on how to use storytelling strategically in your marketing efforts.
Content marketing

Storytelling: How to make your content live happily ever after

Are you also tired of uninspired and dull content? We get it, so are we! If you are out of magical ideas to present your brand’s value or a new product, it is easier to skip the creative unfolding and just get it over with. We also get that. But just hear us out – […]

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Video marketing

Video is a marketing unicorn – and this is why

The compelling statistics behind video marketing Though video is not exactly the new kid on the block, the investment in video content still keeps rising. In this article, we will give you all the statistics and arguments for this. In 2021 people watched an average of 16 hours of online video per week. And this does […]

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A computer and post-its with the text content marketing.
Content marketing

How to make the most out of your content marketing

You spend a lot of time making all of this great content. Perhaps you send it out in a newsletter and share it on Social Media (SoMe). But then, nothing happens with it – ever again. What if some of your followers missed this epic content? Or the newsletter was forwarded directly into the trash […]

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Examples of different video metrics to look out for.
Video marketing

Six video metrics to look out for

The world of marketing is changing rapidly and so are the ways in which videos are consumed. Along with the changing expectations of consumers come changing demands for your marketing work. Consumers rely increasingly on videos of reviews, unboxings and product demonstrations when they journey into your brand. According to research, 66% of consumers watch video […]

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